- creatures:
- eldrazi mimic x4
- matter reshaper x4
- simian Spirt guide x1
- thought-knot seer x4
- oblivion sower x3
- endbringer x1
- ulamog, the ceaseless hunger x1
- endless one x4
- artifact:
- chalic of the void x4
- grim monolith x2
- thorn of amethyst x2
- Corpsejack Menace x4
- land:
- Slitherhead x4
- Lorescale Couatl x4
- Shapers of Nature x2
- Corpsejack Menace x4
Slitherhead x4
Lorescale Couatl x4
Shapers of Nature x2
Corpsejack Menace x4
The goal of Eldrazi stompy is to play to the strength of the Eldrazi tribe and just overpower your opponent. The deck is trying to pull lands that create 2 or more mana and ramp fast to some big creatures.